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About us

Everything started with a trip. Thanks to the work opportunity in scandinavian countries we had a chance to discover a new concept of design, arts and gastronomy which are inteconnected and working for the same aim: offer experience to the public that is pleasurable to all the senses. With this we decided to move our fears aside and start to discover new lands while looking for fresh, innovative and creative artists. The idea was to find artists who wanted to show their works to the public of Bilbao through colaboration in our project. In such a way we created a concept KOKKEN which means multidisplinary space which combines different areas like gatronomy, arts, design and other creative ones with the idea to deepen the interconnection between them.

In Kokken space we want to offer different proposals of consumption: from marketing and publicity to design and furniture, from arts and photography to architectures and of course... gastronomy. All these disciplines and much more which participate in Kokken concept have the same idea - offer its work to the clients as a dialogue which satisfy diferent senses of the consumers and partipants in its versatile aspects.

Nevertheless we don´t want to loose the north of our route which is gastronomy. Kokken cuisine it is simple and different at the same time using simple product but meantime elaborating it by sofisticaded techniques.The menu is special being influienced by the author´s cuisine and ingredients of highest quality chosen from local providers. There is no need to talk much more it is yor turn to pass by Kokken and see what this concept can offer you. We are looking forward to see you!

Kokken Restaurant Bilbao
Kokken Restaurant Bilbao
Kokken Restaurant Bilbao

Present Experience Kokken

Present a dinner to whom you want!

Below you can find our Tasting Menu.

Send us e mail at saying which menu would you like to present and your contact information and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Or if you prefer give us a call on 946 850 920.

  • Short

  • 23,50 €

  • 5 Dishes
  • Present

  • 29,50 €

  • 7 Dishes
  • Present
  • LONG

  • 35,50 €

  • 9 Dishes
  • Present

Kokken Reservation

946 850 920
Kokken Email

As well you can fill in our Contact Form.

Image gallery 

Here you can find the gallery of Kokken Resturant.

Did you like Kokken?Get in touch with us!

Kokken Email
c/ Quintana, 3 (Plaza del Gas) · 48007 · BILBAO
Monday: 08:00 / Afternoon closed
Tuesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 23:00
Friday: 08:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 09:00 / Afternoon closed


Would you like to say hi to us? Or would you like to know more about us? Give us a call or write us email and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

If you wish to present a Tasting Menu tell us which menu you choose (Short, Medium, Long).

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